Sunday, March 1, 2009

And so it begins

The next stage of The Isaiah Project (or whatever) is under way. Preston, Rachel, and Patty have moved into the new house at 5th & Olive. It was amazing to see so much of the group coming together in prayer and in service as we dedicated the property and transported all of the Searcy's and Patty's (mostly Patty's) stuff to the once neglected house. The new base of operations, the new monastery, 2081 Olive.

The dedication service was interesting. They tell you in Bible College that once you get into ministry, you'll be put in some situations you never thought you would find yourself. Friday night, I served as active bishop as I conducted the liturgy for the dedication of a new church from the Book of Common Prayer. I blessed imaginary baptistries, lecterns, pulpits, and altars. We cast out demons, and sought the protection of the home by guardian angels. We prayed for the Holy Spirit to fill our rooms, hearts, and neighborhood. We even annointed all of the doorframes, windows, and even some appliances. All the while, I was somehow able to take the whole thing very seriously. This is going to be our home. And hopefully, incredible works of God will come forth from that place. I truly believe that they will.

Preston asked me to stay the first night with them. After spending the evening with my best friend and the love of my life, Amy, I joined my friends at the home where I plan to soon join them permanantly. I wasn't sure how I would feel. We've been dreaming of this for years. I'm not used to things I plan on working out.
It was amazing how completely normal last night felt. There was no euphoric "look what we did" moment, no grand celebration, no giddiness. It was just... home.

And so it begins. Will we succeed in becoming a part of the neighborhood, or will we be rejected by it? What are we going to learn from the people? What are we going to bring them that they didn't have before? How long until all of this blows up in our faces?

It's funny, I actually think this is going to work. This is going to be interesting...

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